Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Catch Up

First hair cutFavorite new place to play
Baby Jake

Since I haven't posted in a while I decided to play catch-up. So, some new things have happened starting from the top, Asher got his first hair cut a few weeks ago. No more curls in the back now he is looking so much older, my big 22lb almost 10 month old baby. Benny and Asher's new favorite place to play is in my pantry in the kitchen. They love to take everything out and then take turns climbing inside-Ben espescially loves to play "Where Benny go?" Asher mostly enjoys pulling everything out and making a mess :) And the cute little guy in the last picture is baby Jake. I have recently started watching baby Jake three times a week from about 8 a.m.-4p.m. His parents Roy and Cindy Tanner have been good friends of ours for about 2-3 years. But so far it has gone pretty well Ben really likes "Baby Jake" not just Jake it is "Baby Jake" when you talk to Ben. And Asher just wants to grab his face off in a loving way. I still have not ventured out with all three of them but I am getting braver by the week. So we are caught up for now hopefully I well be better about posting in the future.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Baby Jake is a cutie! Glad to hear that you're handling it okay...looks like a busy house! :)